Saturday, March 12, 2016

Avoiding a Nuclear Explosion

Towards the end of Magikiras, you have to have to head out and stop your enemies from pretty much wrecking the world. However it is in fact entirely fail this mission before you even get a chance to start it. What happened here is that the game is keeping track of how many objectives you have accomplished so far and is assigning a value to them. If the value is lower than a certain amount, then you automatically fail.

Past this point is spoiler territory so be warned. That being said, here are the values that the game keeps track of.

Securing the first gate (+1)
Securing the second gate (+1)
Securing the artifact fragments from the museum (+2)
Rescuing the President (+1)
Obtaining the mystery info from a stranger (+1)
Obtaining the enemy's plan from Zawame Tower (+1)
Letting Edgar go and asking him to help you later (+1)

You need to achieve a minimum of 4 points in order to continue on with the mission. Be warned though; this is a timed mission and the points will be deducted as the Chapter progresses depending on your actions and on an automatic basis so you can still game over if you waste too much time.


  1. Oh well, never heard a timed mission on HG nor CoG... Didn't even know if that's possible. Anyway, your game is awesome.

  2. Really? I felt like I did play through a few where there was some sort of timer involved although it might be me mis-rembering things. Although this is closer to an action countdown rather than a strict timer per se.

    Pretty easy to set up though, since all that is needed is a variable and a subroutine that ticks down to zero before announcing that time's up.

  3. I have already received reports of that particular bug and I believe that I have quashed it although I am still running a few more tests to make sure that it is gone.

    That being said, the bug is that Morgan is alive, rather than dead however. If it reads like Morgan is dead at the end of Chapter 11, then Morgan is in fact gone. Apologies for that.

  4. Thanks, then i will keep trying again to get him survive the game :)

  5. Spoiler alert!

    Is there an ending where balogh does not die?

    1. Yes. Just solve the gate puzzle at the end.


  6. Anybody knows how to keep Morgan from jumping the train like a crazy person I don't want her to die please text back.

    1. No way to prevent that, it's scripted every time. The only thing you can prevent during that chapter is both yourself dying and the capture of the artifact by the demons/terrorists.
