Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Puzzle Guide Part 2

Alright. After that one comes the bomb puzzle at the end of the Die Hard: Zawame Tower edition where you need to defuse the bomb left behind by Morgan, provided you managed to reach it in time. The hints provided in-game are as follows:

1) When your hand is over the orange icon, the red one flashes once and the yellow one twice.

2) When your hand is over the red icon, the orange one flashes twice.

3) When your hand is over the yellow icon, the orange one flashes once and the green one flashes twice.

4) When your hand is over the blue icon, the green one flashes once and the violet one twice.

5) When your hand is over the green icon, the yellow one flashes once and the blue one flashes twice.

6) When your hand is over the violet icon, the blue one flashes once.

7) When your hand is over the black icon, all of the icons light up.

Now you can choose to either work this puzzle out or you can use your stats to bypass this section. The stats part will require a maximized stat so it might be hard to use that option. The other option is to figure out what the flashing lights mean,

What does one flash mean and two flash mean? That seems to dictate that a certain icon is hit before that icon and the next flash indicates which icon is pressed after the other one. So using that logic, two possible combinations are

1) Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.


2) Violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red.

But what about black? Black is an odd one out isn't it since it makes all of the icon light up. Either you have to hit it or you don't but it's safer to hit it just in case. When do you hit it? Anytime seems like a good time to hit the black icon since it doesn't appear anywhere on the icon list of must hits in order.

TLDR. If you just want the answer, go for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and black as the last button.


  1. I pushed the buttons in that order but it still didn't work.

    1. Did you hit the black button as well? I tested through this puzzle after the patch and it worked fine.

    2. Nevermind, it works

  2. I tried both combinations with the black icon pressed at the start or at the end or even in-between but nothing works, there's always the explosion afterwards. Please help. ( Please forgive any typo, English is not my native language and I have dyslexia. )

    1. My tests was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and black. The first page after that is a cliffhanger to keep you on edge and there were no explosions after that.

    2. Thanks for replying so fast! :-D I'll try again, and by explosions I meant the part which says "a muffled explosion is heard" or something along those lines. (the funny thing would be that its supposed to say that, and I had been restarting for no reason :-P )

    3. Okay it worked this time! My fault, I wasn't pressing them in the right order. I was putting violet first then blue. :-P thanks again!

  3. Followered the order exactly as presented here and still got a muffled explosion as well.

    1. Did you hit the buttons in rainbow order and the black button last? That's the combination that I tested out most commonly and I know that it works.
